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Kennedy Agyapong apologizes to supporters for joining Bawumia’s campaign tour [Video]

Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong, has apologized to his supporters within the New Patriotic Party for not informing them in advance before joining Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and his campaign team during a tour of the Ashanti Region last week.

Dr. Bawumia’s campaign received a significant boost on June 11, 2024, when he was joined by the Assin Central lawmaker as part of the NPP flagbearer’s three-day campaign tour of the region.

Kennedy Agyapong, a prominent figure in the NPP, accompanied Dr. Bawumia to Suame to share the Vice President’s vision ahead of the 2024 elections.

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A viral photo capturing a conversation between Agyapong and Dr. Bawumia during the tour sparked reactions on social media.

Some of Agyapong’s supporters expressed their displeasure with his decision to support Dr. Bawumia, particularly given his previous critical statements against him during and after the presidential primaries, in which he also contested.

In reaction to the backlash, Kennedy Agyapong sought to clarify his actions and extended an apology to his followers.

“It didn’t go well with some of you, and I want to apologise for not informing you before I went on the campaign tour. But I want all the party faithful to know that I have not resigned from the party, nor am I going independent, and I’m still a member of the NPP,” Agyapong said during a gathering to mark his 64th birthday on June 16, 2024.

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“As long as I’m a member of the party, irrespective of what happened in the presidential primaries, I think it will be best for all of us to come together and rally support behind the party. I’m pleading with my supporters to use the occasion of my birthday to reconcile,” he appealed.

Agyapong also called for unity within the party, urging his supporters and that of the Vice President to come together.

“I’m also appealing to the supporters of the Vice President [Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia] to reciprocate the same favours I’m rendering on behalf of my supporters, so I’m pleading with both sides to unite and rally behind Dr. Bawumia and the NPP,” he stated.

Watch the video below:

Simon Kabutey
Simon Kabutey
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