Kenyan radio presenter and actor Felix Odiwour commonly known as Jalang’o has been trending online after it emerged that he has formed a ‘Boys Club’ on WhatsaApp with his close male friends, where they discuss and brag about their s£x escapades.
They lure Instagram slay queens with lavish lifestyles that they display on social media and then take them to rented apartments in Kilimani and Lavington for kerewa .
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Some of the members in the Boys Club disclosed that they pay the Instagram slay queens who set fake standards on IG just a mere Ksh 4,000 ($ 37 ) for s£× after marinating them with expensive liquour.
A video of a slay queen doing with a member of Jalango’s randy’ Boys Club’ has emerged. She was sucking his cassava like a lollilop in a rented apartment.
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Due to the nature of the video, we cannot show it here but you can view or download here