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Voter registration: John Dumelo involved in scuffle at Legon centre [Video]

Ghanaian actor turned politician, John Dumelo found himself embroiled in a heated altercation at a voter registration center located in Legon, Accra.

The incident reportedly occurred during misunderstanding over the ongoing voter registration process in the district.

Details surrounding the cause of the scuffle remain unclear, but eyewitnesses suggest that the altercation began over the aspiring Member of Parliament for Ayawaso West Wuogon being restricted from using his phone.

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Despite complying with the preventive orders, John Dumelo argued that he would protest if his opponent, Lydia Alhassan, were allowed to use her phone.

During his argument, a student from the University of Ghana, reportedly aligned with the opposing party, challenged Dumelo.

This confrontation, captured in a viral video, showed Dumelo warning the student, escalating the situation to near physical violence.

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Security forces present at the scene intervened promptly, escorting Dumelo away and restoring calm at the center.

Watch video below:

John Dumelo, is gearing up for a second shot at the Ayawaso West Wuogon Constituency in the upcoming general elections slated for December 7, 2024.

Having learned from his past electoral defeat, the ‘ Baby Thief’ star is leaving no stone unturned in his bid to clinch victory this time around.

John Dumelo, who previously contested in the 2020 elections and narrowly missed out on securing the seat, is confident in his chances, citing the weaknesses of his main opponent, the incumbent MP Lydia Seyram Alhassan, as his key advantage.

In a recent Q&A session on X, he expressed optimism, stating, “I don’t get nervous. I’ve learned from my mistakes in 2020 and I’m using her weakness as my strength to win this election. Her weakness is she has more resources than I have.”

Stating his motivation for seeking a parliamentary position, he emphasised his desire to partake in decision-making processes that positively impact the lives of Ghanaians, particularly those in the Ayawaso West constituency and similarly aims to represent their interests effectively and bring about meaningful change.

Simon Kabutey
Simon Kabutey
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