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Eugene Arhin finally speaks on leaked divorce suit and the many properties wife listed

The Director of Communications at the Presidency, Mr. Eugene Arhin, has responded to the divorce suit filed by his wife, Gloria Assan Arhin.

In the suit filed at the Matrimonial Division of the Accra High Court on Wednesday, February 10, 2021, Mr. Arhin’s wife among other things accused her husband of abuse and adultery.

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Eugene Arhin wife divorce

In the said suit also, Mrs. Arhin who said she and her husband married in 2012 listed various properties they acquired together as a couple and prayed that the court grants her ownership of portions of the properties she listed.

She also wants the court to declare her joint owner in equal share with the respondent in all properties acquired in the course of their marriage.

Reacting to the news in a post on his Facebook page sighted by , the Director of Communications at the Presidency described the widely circulated suit as “deliberately leaked all over social media obviously to achieve a certain effect” adding that he was yet to be served with any suit.

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Indicating his lawyers readiness to respond to the suit, Mr Arhin averred that “every marriage has challenges, and such challenges should not be addressed in the court of public opinion. I will not, for the sake of my children, and for the dignity of my wife, engage in any public banter.”

He again went ahead to describe the contents of the suit as untrue, specifically mentioning the listed properties and the issue of physical abuse.

“In as much as many of the claims leveled against me are baseless and untrue, especially with respect to properties and physical abuse, I will hold my peace and deal with them in the Court of Law,” his post concluded.

See Eugene Arhin’s post below:

Eugene Arhin wife

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Simon Kabutey
Simon Kabutey
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