A young primary school boy named Felix has landed on the wrong side of his father’s books after he personally changed his terminal report to appease the dad.
In the video currently circulating on social media , Felix was seen having a conversation with his father when the matter came up.
The dad of the young man who appeared to be more experienced realized that there was something fishy about his son’s report card.
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According to the report Felix presented, he was 22nd in one course and trailed in the rest of the courses but his computed score placed him in 20th position in the class – something his dad thought was unusual.
Felix’s dad said the result that was presented to him got him excited and he even went ahead to buy him a bottle of malt for a good job.
However, he realized that Felix had personally cancelled out his initial position and wrote the 2oth position there.
The fuming dad said he did not expect his son to do such a thing but rather expected him to let him know his real academic strength so they could know what to do to assist him.
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Felix, seeing that he had been busted, said it was his class teacher who changed the result and asked his dad to call the teacher to confirm.
The young boy’s dad was heard saying that his son did not place 20th like he wanted them to believe but rather placed 30th or worse.
Watch the video below :
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