Tear flow as last video of JJ Rawlings on hospital bed before his death hit online [Watch]

A supposed last video of former President Jerry John Rawlings known as JJ Rawlings on his hospital bed at the Korle-Bu Hospital has gone viral on the internet after his death.

We have chanced on a video that can pass as the Raw last moments of Jerry John Rawlings before his shocking death at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital today.

JJ Rawlings

In the video sighted, the former president was resting on a hospital bed whiles having a good time with a young lady who we are thinking could be a guest who visited him or a relative.

Related story; Who was Jerry John Rawlings, the late former president of Ghana…?

Despite whatever suffering he may be going through, Rawlings kept his composure and entertained the lady as they both pointed their two fingers in the air.

He was strong and doing well based on his gestures in the video but unfortunately, he couldn’t make it out from the hospital bed.

May he rest in peace!

See also; Nigel Gaisie caught after trying to ‘smuggle’ Rawlings’ death into his new prophecy

Watch the video below;

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