Coupons Technologies Ghana, has announced the launch of COUPONS.COM.GH, a web application for business owners to reach out to customers online through enticing discounts and promotions.
Business owners, after creating a free account on the platform, can proceed to create a listing for their business based on the category of services they provide, upload pictures, describe their products, add directions, contacts and other details.
Free e-coupons can also be created. With these coupons, users of the platform can enjoy very generous discounts on specified products or services. The platform allows users to leave reviews or rate places and businesses they have been to, like their pages or share them.
This, the creators hope, will lead to consumers being able to make more informed decisions on which brands offer the best services in their business category; Food, Electronics, Beauty and cosmetics, Sports and Fitness, Healthcare and more.
Registration for both business owners/event organizers as well as regular users is FREE.
“We are very excited to launch the premier coupons website in Ghana”, said Christian Dziwornu, the CEO of Coupons Technologies. “
The website/app is going to be a game changer in Ghana’s shopping space as more businesses are shifting to mobile marketing – consumers wouldn’t have to access individual brand websites or social media pages to search for promos, compare offers or redeem a coupon.
Instead, they’re served with a wide range of carefully curated and well-categorized deals and promotions from the best restaurants, hangouts and shops based on their geographical location and preference in this single user-friendly platform”.
“Business owners should take advantage of public holidays and store anniversaries, by adopting flexible coupon strategies in the form of flat discounts or giveaways to attract new customers and build brand awareness” – Mr. Dziwornu added.
Consumers and business owners are advised to log on to, create an account and enjoy this new shopping experience.